Cause Effect Tourism Essay Topics

On the global and local scales, tourism has been playing a crucial role in economy. As such it is one of the most researched topics in the academic circles. For writers and students that tasked with writing about tourism articles while taking the cause and effect approach, there are some crucial aspects that they have to consider. Ideally, the first step that is to be considered is the flow of the topic with reference to how the causes and the effects impact tourism at the designated jurisdiction. The approach related to cause and effect, is one that is used to show the impact of certain factors on an element such as tourism, as is the case in this paper. As such, there is need for there to be a connection between the cause and the effect discussed.

In the case of tourism topics, there are quite a number of factors to consider when selecting one. Ideally, tourism is an ecosystem of activities that are geared towards the recreation and business processes. This means that the topic are supposed to touch largely on the various factors that affect tourism or the processes associated with it. The cause discussed is supposed to bring about some effect on the said topic of tourism. For example, a student may choose to discuss the impacts that terrorism has had on tourism in California, there are some aspects that one should consider. One is that, it is important to establish the cause, which in this case is terrorism. Secondly it is important to establish the effect in which case, there could several effects tied to one cause. A decline in tourist activities, low foreign currency and poor economic growth in the areas are some of the examples that could become the effects of the same. And lastly, the two aspects have to be related to tourism.

The structure of a cause and effect tourism topic, should take into account several steps. At the start of the structure is the introduction of the topic that has been chosen. This brings the readers to the attention of the topic and why it is important to warrant reading on. The most important part of the introduction is the thesis statement that captures the topic to be discussed in one single statement. The other part of the essay is the body, which separated into paragraphs. The paragraphs are ordered in such a way that they indicate the cause and then connect them to the effects on tourism. This means that the causes come first before effects where the writer explains the flow of the impacts. Other than that, the writer can chose to start with the effects and then point to the causes. In an example, the writer may first bring out the element of low tourist activity in a certain area and then go on to explain the causes leading to the same. The most important part is that, there must be a connection created between the cause and effects on the topic of choice.

The main tip in writing a cause and effect essay on tourism, is the ability to create the connection between the cause and the effects being discussed. Order is crucial in this case as one is trying to make a point by giving the underlying causes to problems or events that are experienced due to the same. Without the connection the essay ceases to become a cause and effect.

Topics on cause and effect tourism

  1. How terrorism is affecting tourism in Hawaii
  2. How tourism impacts the local culture
  3. The impacts of cultural competence in tourism services
  4. How immigration policies will affect tourism
  5. Impacts of natural disasters on tourism
  6. How international treaties affect tourism in the party countries
  7. What most tourists from Europe prefer on the tourism packages
  8. How the breakup of the European Union will affect tourism in Africa
  9. How poaching impacts conservation measures
  10. How game hunting has impacted American wildlife